Thursday, October 13, 2011


It’s amazing how far technology has come over the years.  I remember when my parents used to pull out a jumbo size accordion map to figure out where we were.  Whoever was in the passenger seat would undoubtedly block part of the driver’s vision when the entire map was open.  Today the average car owner including us, use a GPS unit to get from place to place.  Our GPS has different voices you can set for it and we use one that is the sound of a European woman called Victoria.  The roads in California are not set up in any uniform fashion.  In many places the GPS goes haywire because the roads overlap in so many spots that it can’t handle it.  It’s also slightly slow out here where sometimes “she” doesn’t tell you to turn until it’s too late.  Victoria hasn’t been very helpful while we’ve been out here in California. When we’re late to some place or take a wrong turn, you often hear the name “Victoria!” being shouted out.

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