Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Point Reyes

We have lots to see while in California.  This last Saturday, October 15, we spent the day at Point Reyes National Seashore.
 We stopped at an inlet to get some photos of a whole bunch of sailboats being launched at once.
This is Tracy's first ever picture with my camera.  She said she didn't want to use my camera and that she would only use her iphone instead.  After she got this shot it was basically a fight the rest of the day to who got the camera and when and who had the better shot.

 This was Point Reyes Beach, right off the Pacific Ocean.
 Can you see Geoff waving? 

 Point Reyes Lighthouse.

 These are some pictures of the lighthouse's lens from the inside.

 The clouds were low enough that day to get a some good pictures from the top of the point.
Most of the plants and trees in California are green, except for this little plant that grows all over the mountain sides.  It grows very pretty with a bright red, orange, and sometimes yellow.
 Tracy was a "little" excited to see the Elephant Seals.
 Elephant Seal Lookout off Drakes Beach.

This Elephant Seal was conversing with Tracy.  I'm not really sure what they talked about, but he was very opinionated.

This is down on Point Reyes Beach.  The sand is quite different from what you see in Michigan or even down in Florida.  It's a mix of sand and very fine polished stones.  Tracy and I walked around for about fifteen minutes picking up our favorites- there were so many colors and designs!
I thought this crab was staring me down but turns out it's just his shell, something out there really liked crab because we found many more after we came across this guy.

 This is on the other side of Point Reyes Beach, at Drakes Beach.

 Someone left a message in the sand.  I wonder who those people are?

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