Friday, October 28, 2011

Please Pray for Zac

Before we left Michigan we made one more visit to the vets office for a final checkup on our Boston Terrier.  While we were there we asked if there was anything that they would recommend for him since we would be traveling across the country in and out of apartments and hotels and such.  Our vet strongly recommended that he get the Lyme vaccine seeing as though he would be outside a lot more and in unknown places.  We went ahead (per her suggestion) and got him two vaccine boosters.  This was in Late July-Early August.  Skip ahead to two weeks ago when he was complaining of pain one night, we thought it was his neck that was hurting (sometimes he shakes his toys too hard and kind of sprains his neck)- but after giving him pain meds and babying the area for a week he was progressively getting worse and the pain seemed to be spreading to other areas.  We took him in to a local vet we found and had some blood work drawn and then we had some fluid taken from his lymph nodes that were enlarged (lymph nodes on dogs are trigger areas that give you warning for very serious diseases- when ours enlarge we may have a cold- when a dogs enlarge they may have cancer).  After that visit Tracy did some serious research accounting for all of his symptoms.  Zac was currently having a problem every morning with moving (only after laying for a long period did he have an issue), when he got up he would yelp (not whimper) in pain for about five minutes straight.  He also would arch his back and have a hard time using his front two legs.  He's also been losing weight and has been not all together at times, coupling that with the lymph nodes and the time the disease has presented- it spells out Lyme Disease.  We looked online for what exactly the Lyme vaccination is and any other problems that other dog owners have had with it and we found exact reports of what we have been dealing with. 

Apparently when your animal is vaccinated against Lyme Disease it is injected with a dead form of the virus which has a 20%+ chance of presenting and is especially effective in dogs with lower immune systems (which we were having a problem with before we left Michigan).  The dead virus creates an uncureable strain of the disease that will not show up on any tests and will only present in the symptoms of the animal.  Apparently they had a version of this that they gave humans but stopped it because too many people were getting the disease.  In Dr. school they teach a limit to the vaccines to give, in vet school they teach to give every vaccine you can and give it every year- including Lyme disease. 

We have started Zac on the strongest antibiotics that we can give him.  He has a small chance that this will knock out a large percentage of the disease, although not cure him.  He has about ten vials of medicine that he is taking right now.  He is crying a lot less so we are seeing some improvement, although he goes through random spurts of extreme pain.  Please pray with us that God would heal his little body.  It's especially hard on Tracy to see his little body suffer so much and adds a lot more stress to being so far away from home.  Thank you for your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. We're thinking of little Zac often! Although he's sick, I know he's happy to be loved by you both because you're fantastic parents. :)
