Thursday, September 1, 2011

Praise & Prayer Requests

Prayer Request
We still haven’t heard back from any hospitals yet regarding a job.  We’ve been rushing around to complete all of our tasks and now are waiting to see what comes next.  We have filled out all of the necessary paperwork (though there are still MORE fingerprint cards that need to be done/re-done) and have talked with Tracy’s agents regarding a travel position.  Every job that we have put in for so far has not panned out.  We are now waiting on the Lord to see what He has for us and where He wants us to go.  This is the time that can be discouraging the most, as Tracy is three weeks now without a job and the money is dwindling down fast.  We don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel yet and we don’t have any definitive plans or direction.  We were reminded on Sunday to not be discouraged when things aren’t going the way that we had planned and that God still has a plan for our lives. Tracy was reminded in her devotions that God works all things together for GOOD to those who love God. We are confident that something good is on its way, but right now we have to wait. We are waiting on God’s answers and would appreciate prayer for direction, for a job, and for God to make whatever changes in our lives that He needs to in order to make sure that we are ready to commit to Him in this journey.

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