Sunday, September 4, 2011

Praise & Prayer Requests

Prayer Request
We are very thankful that God has provided a job for us!  We have been waiting patiently (and sometimes not so patiently) and God has provided.  We know that God provides for us when we have needs and we know that He will provide for us now.  One prayer request that we have right now is that God will provide the finances that we need.  Tracy has been off of work since August 3rd (per the recommendation of her recruiter to “get her in a job faster”—though we had complete peace about her quitting (& thought she’d have a job right after) and we have been able to get tons of stuff done around the house and such, we have been reminded quite frequently that our timing isn’t always the Lord’s timing. Tracy’s first job won’t start until October 1st, which means our first paycheck doesn’t come in until October 14th.  By then, it will be 2 months without a paycheck. Things are very tight right now and we’re praying that God would take care of everything. There will be a traveling reimbursement, but we don’t receive that until the job is done, so we will also be responsible for getting ourselves out to California. But, we are certain that He has brought us this far and will not abandon us now!

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