Thursday, July 21, 2011

Praise & Prayer Requests

Also to go along with the garage sale, we are incredibly thankful for all of the help we received. We really don’t think we could have done it without the Lord sending some really special people to help us. Tracy’s mom came and spent the day before the sale helping fold and hang 20+ garbage bags full of clothes. A friend from church brought her children over the morning of the sale to help us set up and she stayed the entire day to help us out and keep us company. Then she came back the next day and helped us pack everything up. Considering Tracy wasn’t supposed to lift anything and she’s still been experiencing discomfort from her surgery, this was most helpful! Thank you Terry, Lauren, David and Eric (and mom, of course)! Your willing help was invaluable to us! And thanks to Cindy, our neighbor who also had a garage sale and sold some of our things on Saturday. We were reminded of how much we are going to miss our neighbors and friends through this experience!

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