Thursday, July 21, 2011

Praise & Prayer Requests

God’s timing is truly perfect and beyond our comprehension! Tracy was nervous to give her two weeks notice to her boss, especially considering that she really likes her current position, boss, and nurses she works with and also that her position is being eliminated as soon as she leaves (so there’s no going back!). Her boss was very understanding and was even open to recommend her and take her back if we come back to the area to stay. She was supposed to submit her two weeks notice in writing, but over the course of the next few shifts, she forgot—thank goodness! She ended up needing emergency gall bladder surgery and has been on a medical leave from work. Though this has made it a bit more difficult to get ready to go, she will be able to go back to work for a few shifts before we leave and still leave the hospital on good terms. We are also thankful that her surgery was done now instead of while we are on the road.

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