Saturday, December 24, 2011


As my wife and I were discussing why I have not updated this blog in a little while I realized something.  I'm one of those kind of people that when faced with a direct question like: "What's going on?"  I often respond with the exact same answer: "nuthin."  Sitting around the dinner table as a child, my parents would normally ask what I learned in school that day.  Yes, as you may have already guessed I would look up from my plate lethargic with glazed over eyes and respond: "nuthin."  In actuality I had learned quite a bit, but since we couldn't afford an in-home translator- "nuthin" was as much as anyone understood. I sometimes forget that "nuthin" is actually "sumthin," so I apologize for missing a few moments where I could have been passing on some updates.  If you ask me in the future what's been going on I may forget again and respond with "nuthin," but for now if you allow me a moment of your time I will translate out my "nuthin" into what is actually "sumthin."

We continue to live in Sacramento and Tracy's current assignment ends at the closing of January.  We have already been presented with several options for a job to follow and we are currently praying about what the Lord would want for us.  Tracy continues to get to know the people at her work and the hospital better and is learning so many new things.  We continue to serve the Lord at Faith Baptist Tabernacle church in North Highlands, California.  I have had the opportunity to fellowship with the Pastors and some of the core and enjoy working with them in this ministry.  I continue to take the opportunity to go calling as much as I can and enjoy meeting new people and seeing seeds planted in this community.  This area has continued to grow more poor and more dependent on drugs and crime in the last ten years, I only see it now for what it has become.  The Senior Pastor, Pastor Mike Rodgers, recently said: "If more [Christians] went door to door telling and teaching others about Christ, this area would not be in the shape it is in today."  He's right on, if more of us made the effort to put aside our fears and selfishness and told our communities about God and what He has done for us, there would be a lot more people living for the Lord and a lot less living for the world.  We appreciate this ministry that God has brought us to and are thankful to be receiving regular spiritual meat.  We look forward to all that God has in store for us and are currently bathing the next possibilities in prayer.  We thank you for your prayers as we continue to seek out the right direction for our lives.

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